Irish National Caucus

Working for justice and praying for peace in Ireland... WELCOME TO THE IRISH NATIONAL CAUCUS BLOG Ceade Mile Failte -- hundred thousand welcomes! We believe the U.S. has a vital role to play by applying a single -- not a double-standard in its foreign policies towards human rights in Ireland. In particular, we believe the U.S. must not subsidize anti-Catholic discrimination in Northern Ireland. That is why the Irish National Caucus in 1984 initiated the MacBride Principles.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Joseph M. Deehan, President of the Harp and Shamrock, Greenville AOH and Barbara.
Len Byrne, AOH National Director, and the Sullivans are part of the the
active listening Greensboro audience.

Enthusiastic South Carolinians gathered at Fitzpatrick's Pub, Greevnille, to hear Fr. Sean explain his struggle for justice in Northern Ireland. Father emphasized, "The people who helped me the most were non Irish and non Catholic and non Christian. Speaker Tip O'Neill banned Congressional Hearings on Northern Ireland for ten years (1977-1987), but Speaker Newt Gingrich (then a Protestant) allowed Hearings."
My American Struggle for Justice in Northern Ireland clearly and factually elaborates on what the American Congress did for justice in Northern Ireland. There is no other book like it, and no other person, and certainly no other Catholic priest has done what Fr. Sean has done for forty years for Ireland. And he is still at it--working on yet another Congressional Hearing.


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