Photos: 1. Jim Lockhart, President, AOH Division 87,
Port Richmond speaks
2. Fr. Sean explains his "Struggle".
3. Eileen Smith LAOH Division President, Tom O'Donnell, AOH Pennsylvania State President, Fr. Sean and Jim Lockhart
4.Sergeant Michael Houck, Fr. Sean andPhiladelphia Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffrey
The Port Richmond Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 87 gave a grand welcome to Fr. Sean Mc Manus. Their beautifully decorated AOH hall, which they themselves built years earlier, provided the perfect setting to host the Philly book launch of My American Struggle for Justice in Northern Ireland.
The gracious, full-house crowd actively listened as Father explained his Struggle. Many expressed amazement that Father's most formidable opposition came from high placed Irish politicians and the American Catholic Bishops.
Many participants flocked to the table to buy the Memoirs, and to have Father Sean personalize their copy. Indeed, several purchased two or more books--even returning to buy yet another at the close of the event. One person comment that she was buying more books to give as Christmas presents.
Father expressed his gratitude to the AOH, and to the entire audience for their warmth and support.