Working for justice and praying for peace in Ireland... WELCOME TO THE IRISH NATIONAL CAUCUS BLOG Ceade Mile Failte -- hundred thousand welcomes! We believe the U.S. has a vital role to play by applying a single -- not a double-standard in its foreign policies towards human rights in Ireland. In particular, we believe the U.S. must not subsidize anti-Catholic discrimination in Northern Ireland. That is why the Irish National Caucus in 1984 initiated the MacBride Principles.
"My American Struggle For Justice in Northern Ireland"
by Father Sean McManus
Autobiography / Political
For over forty years Father Sean McManus has been at the heart of the Irish American campaign to put pressure on the British government concerning injustice in the North.
For years a lone voice on Capitol Hill, he became Britain’s “nemesis on the premises” when he founded the Irish National Caucus in one of the darkest years of the Troubles in 1974.
But how does a mild mannered priest, who grew up in Kinawley, County Fermanagh, become involved in American politics to promote the cause of Ireland? And how does he become so successful at it?
McManus forced through Congressional action to stop the sale of American weapons to the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC); he crafted the McBride Principles that led to fair employment practices in the reluctant North; and all the while he was he was opposed not just by the British, but often by the Irish governments too – and by pro-British elements within the Republican party.
Considering the challenges he faced and the lessons it taught him about the quest for justice in the North, the man who has been helping to craft the agenda for Irish America over the past thirty years has written a compelling inside view of the pursuit of peace and justice for Ireland"
FR. Mc Manus addresses Ladies AOH and Men's AOH
“ It is a very important book. It would be equally important even if it were not so entertaining a read at the same time… a virtual treatise on how to make Congress do the right thing, often against seemingly insurmountable odds, and then a President. It should be required reading in Political Science classes, right up there with Edwin O’ Connor’s The Last Hurrah, with Allen Drury’s Advise and Consent, and with William L. Riordan’s Plunkitt of Tammany Hall (especially the 1995 edition, with an introduction by Peter Quinn). In 130 minutes Jimmy Stewart tells the story of “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”, a crusading story, spanning less than one year. In 261 pages Father Seán tells a story that spans almost 67 years, some 37 or so spent crusading on Capitol Hill, against opposition far more complex, and devious, that that faced in Frank Capra’s classic motion picture….