Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
McManus’s book is a lightly written account of his campaigns, and he
emerges as an energetic and skilled lobbyist....[a] very readable
book...". --Irish Times.
"[Fr. Mc Manus] is modest about his success in knocking on and
getting through the doors of the great and the good in American
politics. "It was the song and not the singer; the song being the
message," he said about his forthcoming book " -- Impartial
Reporter (Fermanagh).
" A widely hailed book". -- Irish Echo.
"A hugely important book." --The Washington Irish Committee.
" I could not leave the book down since getting my hands on it, and it ranks as
one of the greatest books ever written for Irish freedom. Fr. Mc Manus is unique
in his courage and struggle against all odds particularly as St.Paul says 'false
brethren'! " -- A priest who worked in Rome, now retired in Ireland.
"A compelling book and story."
Ray Flynn
Former U.S. Ambassador to The Vatican, Mayor of Boston.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Successful New York Launch of Fr. Mc Manus’ Memoirs

Capitol Hill--Friday, June 24, 2011 ------ The organizers of the New York City Launch of Fr. Mc Manus’s Memoirs can be proud of their work.
Mary Hogan is a rising star in the AOH galaxy. She gave an excellent speech.She pledged solidarity with Fr. Mc Manus’ mission, and stressed that his book should not just remain on the shelf but be studied and used as an essential tool to promote and advance the cause of Irish unity, justice and peace.
Among the distinguished, enthusiastic audience were Leslie Cassidy, relentless promoter of the Irish cause; Mary Elizabeth Bartholomew, First Vice President, Brehon Law Society; Bill Flynn, Chairman Emeritus of Mutual America and Chairman, National Committee for American Foreign Policy; Pat Doherty, Director of Corporate Governance, State of New York, Office of the Comptroller; Larry Downes, Chairman of the Friends of Sinn Fein; Ciaran Staunton. President, Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform; Chip Mc Lean, AOH New York State president; Sean Pender, AOH New Jersey State president; James Cullen, Brehon Law Society; Bob Bateman, a long-time associate of Fr. Mc Manus; and ardent Fenians Liam Murphy and Sandy Boyer.
Barbara Flaherty, who also traveled from Washington with Fr. Mc Manus – and who is the prime promoter of the book – said: “ It is gratifying to see strong, informed women, like Mary Hogan and Leslie Cassidy, take the lead both in promoting the book and advancing the cause of equality and human rights for all of Ireland”.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Fr. Mc Manus, Reps. Gilman and Wolff:Together again on Capitol Hill

For many years, Fr. Sean Mc Manus, President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus, visited Congressman Ben Gilman (R-NY) who was in office from January 1973 - January 2003. And on June 14th, the two old Capitol Hill friends were together again. June 15, 2011
“The easiest task imaginable – praying for the Great Ben Gilman,’’ said Fr. Mc Manus." Because in the entire history of the US Congress no body has a better record
in fighting for Irish justice. Without Ben, I could never have gotten Congress to pass the the Mac Bride Principles. This Jewish-American is my Irish hero. He will never be forgotten in Irish history. Irish-American owe this wonderful, special man
an everlasting debt of gratitude".
Congressman Gilman was given the Evangelical World Peace Prize award. He requested Fr. Mc Manus to give both the opening and closing prayer. The event was held in the
Gold Room of the Rayburn House Office Building (one of the Congressional buildings on Capitol Hill).
“What made the occasion extra special for me,” explained Fr. Mc Manus, is that the Chairman of the event was Chief Judge of the World Peace Prize, former Congressman Lester Wolff (D-NY) – 1965 – 1973. Lester, like Ben, is a champion of
Irish justice. In early 1972 disguised himself, assumed an Irish identity and brogue, and succeeded in penetrating security at Long Kesh, to get first-hand view of the flagrant injustice of that British internment camp in Northern Ireland”.
The other recipient of the World Peace Prize was H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III (“the leader of all Buddhists and the highest and greatest Buddha in the dharma realm”).
Buddhists believe him to be “the incarnated Buddha … the primordial and highest Buddha according to the lineage charts of all Buddhist sects”).
Fr. Mc Manus added: “It was a beautiful, spiritual and ecumenical event: Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Protestants and Catholics , all celebrating
their common humanity, religious faith and desire for peace, which the fruit of justice”.
When Congressman Gilman spoke, he singled out Fr. Mc Manus for special praise, mentioning his 12-day Hunger Strike outside the British Embassy in April-May, 1981.
And he also urged everyone to, “read Fr. Mc Manus’ wonderful new book” – My American Struggle for Justice in Northern Ireland, which will have its New York launch on
Thursday, June 23 (O’ Lunney’s Pub, Times Square. 7 PM; and its Chicago launch on Saturday, July 9 and Sunday, July 10 at the Irish American Heritage Center Irish Fest.
The book is for sale at --- the only place one can order signed, personalized copies.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Opposition to Irish justice in DC was – Irish!

Andersonstown News Monday 14th of April 2011 By Gráinne McWilliams
Father Sean McManus returns to Boston to launch memoir
By Toni Earls
President of the Irish National Caucus Father Sean McManus will be in
Boston to launch his memoir My American Struggle for Justice in
Northern Ireland on Wednesday June 8th. The event will be hosted by
the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) and will take place at the AOH
Hall in Watertown, MA.
Fr. McManus’ memoir has been launched in Dublin, Belfast, Bellaghy,
and Washington to a wonderful reception, being called: “probably the
most significant memoir in the historiography of Irish-American
nationalism since Recollections of an Irish Rebel by John Devoy” by
the Washington Irish Committee.
Fr. McManus came to the United States in October of 1972 and went on
to effect momentous change working within his Special Ministry as part
of the Irish National Caucus and laboring to involve the US in the
Northern Ireland peace process. Speaking to the Irish Emigrant, Fr.
McManus said that the US relationship to the peace process was never
easy, but it was vital to its success:
“From the beginning, American involvement has been tricky, but it was
integral to the process. I don’t believe it would have succeeded
without American intervention. I think that is why the British
government was so resistant to it at first. Now they’re pleased with
it though.” He went on to say that although things have absolutely
changed for the better, the process of reconciliation is by no means
over: “we still have a long way to go.”
Fr. McManus, a native of Kinawley, Co. Fermanagh, was born in 1944,
the tenth of twelve children. He grew up in a place divided by the
border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Talking
about his separation of his hometown, Fr. McManus told the ‘Emigrant,
“You can imagine how seeing such a division as a small child affected
me. It wasn’t just a division of my country; it was a division of my
town, of my home.”
From an early age, Fr. McManus was keenly aware of the effect that
the division had on his town, his country, and his life. He lost his
brother Patrick in 1958 when the IRA bomb he was transporting
exploded. Later, when Fr. McManus was serving in Scotland, he went
back to Northern Ireland to take part in an anti-internment
demonstration and was arrested for his activity in 1971.
Fr. McManus is looking forward to returning to Boston, the city in
which he served in a parish for his last three years before moving to
Washington, D.C. He told the ‘Emigrant: “As you know, it is impossible
for an Irishman to feel out of place in Boston.”
Remembering his last visit to Boston, Fr. McManus said: “Well,
surprisingly, it was quite a while ago. The last time I was up in
Boston I was organizing a protest against Boston College awarding
Maggie Thatcher their Ignatius Medal [in 1995]. I don’t know if they
posted it to her but it she didn’t come over here anyway!”
Fr. McManus enjoyed the time he spent serving in Boston immensely: “I
served at Mission Church from 1975-1978. I loved Mission Church.” He
worked as prefect of the school and was particularly pleased with the
way the parish was “totally integrated…it wasn’t just Irish. People of
all sorts were there together.”
This togetherness is incredibly important to Fr. McManus, who believes
in equality for all people above all and has shown that through his
tireless efforts against injustice. He told the ‘Emigrant, “I believe
that racism/sectarianism is a form of mental disease that causes
otherwise normal folk to do stupid things.” He believes that through
education and helping people to overcome their fear, things can
continue to change for the better in the US, Ireland, and around the